The Manifesto

Welcome to Temple OMM, your virtual haven shaped by the enchanting realms of Marvel, Alchemy and Magic. With audacious vision we embark on the Guardian Resurgence Mission: Mastering Your Infinite Potential. As a community, we stand united in unwavering integrity to guide you on a holistic journey through the mystic arts and the art of masterful living. Within the walls of this training ground we arm you with the tools to unlock your highest potential, pursue your passions, and flourish in your unique zone of genius.

Mystic Arts - Find the Ancient One Within

Journey to Kamar Taj where we've structured our community around trauma-informed healing and growth. Here at Temple OMM, we believe in meeting you where you are, never exceeding the pace that your nervous system is ready for. This ensures a gentle and organic journey of self growth and healing. Discover the foundational aspects of holistic healing that permeate our offerings.

  1. Establishing a Strong Foundation: Cultivate a sense of neutrality and pleasure in your body through a variety of embodiment practices, inspired by somatic experiencing, yoga, and Buddhism, ranging from 3 to 90 minutes.

  2. Exploring and Transforming Past Experiences: Investigate and release any traumatic or painful experiences that may still hold you back. Utilize somatic practices to connect with and process stagnant energies, transmuting them organically at your own pace. Experience healing modalities like visualization, meditation, inner child work, breathwork, energy healing, trance, plant medicine and spiritual ceremonies.

  3. Moving from Comfort Zone to Zone of Growth: Embrace change and refine your skills to live purposefully. Step beyond your limitations and empower yourself to show up in radically different ways, much like a Guardian emerging to protect the multiverse.

Masterful Living - Become the Alchemist of Your Life

Masterful living is all about embracing the beginners mindset and being a forever student of life, to always learn something new or to always deepen your knowledge in that which you are most passionate about. This ensures that our zest for life here on Earth never fades, we feel fulfilled and well equipped to handle whatever life throws at us. In the hallowed halls of the Sanctum Sanctorum, immerse yourself in dynamic workshops led by our esteemed team, guest facilitators, and our vibrant community. Transform into a modern-day Doctor Strange, honing your expertise in:

  • Leadership: Unleash your inner Starlord and lead with purpose

  • Relationships: Forge deeper connections and foster meaningful bonds that transcend the space-time continuum

  • Healthy & Non-Toxic Living: Charge your infinity stones by nourishing your body and soul with yoga, nutrition, and toxic-free choices

  • Entrepreneurship: Ignite your entrepreneurial spirit and cultivate success while marching to the beat of your own Outlaw drum

  • Activism: Be the change you want to see in the world; let your voice echo across these galaxies

  • Philanthropy: Lead the Wakandan Outreach Efforts - Give back and make a positive impact on the world around you

  • Money Mastery: Learn the art of financial abundance and prosperity, ensuring you have the resources to fulfill your mission

  • Arts & Expression: Turn your lead into gold and let your inner artist shine

  • Gender & Sexuality: Explore the spectrum and celebrate the diversity of the Multiverse

  • Time Freedom: Like any cosmic time traveler you can craft a life to do more of what you love

  • Regenerative Living: Guard the Galaxy by replenishing this planet

  • Nomadic Lifestyles & Vanlife: Jump from wormhole to wormhole to embrace the freedom of adventure

  • Nature: Reconnect with Spirit in the natural world and be awed by the science of biohacking

  • Mystic Arts: Parallel to the Book of Vishanti you can dive into the mysteries of Tarot, the Gene Keys and more

While the topics we cover here are interdependent, they are all optional, encouraging you to flow through our community resources to our own unique liking.

Lastly, this is a co-creative community. We invite you to share your wisdom and hone your crafts, valuing your leadership. Together, we believe in the power of collaboration to generate ingenious solutions to global challenges.

Thank you for choosing us. Welcome to Temple OMM, where arts are considered science, and science is an art.

Your Captain

Leucas Loves

Educator | Healer | Coach | Artist



All Access Pass With Tiered Pricing:

  • Standard - $22.22/month

  • Queer and Trans Folx

    and/or POC - $5.55/month

Membership to the entire Temple OMM Network

Everything in the Community Challenge Plan PLUS…

Full Access to Kamar Taj

  • Community Dojo: Opportunity to host your own events, hone your craft, share skills, and practice teaching in this collaborative space.

  • Fatal Conveniences: Contribute to a collaborative community data collection aimed at eliminating "fatal conveniences."

  • Gene Keys: Share your hologenetic profile and engage in collective study of each key.

Full Access to the Project Launchpad

  • Entrepreneurial Incubator: Join a supportive community of spirit-led entrepreneurs, igniting your entrepreneurial journey.

  • Regenerative Land Stewardship: Connect with others interested in purchasing and developing regenerative land projects.

  • Vanlife: Connect with the vanlife community, sharing insights on DIY van conversions and nomadic living.

Full Access to the Sanctum Sanctorum

  • The Shala: Discover one-off live and recorded events and workshops hosted by your Captains and guest facilitators.

  • The Yoga Studio: Dive into a library of over 100 recorded lessons in yoga and body-based practices, taught by Leucas.


Try it one week for free

Community Challenge Plan - Free

Limited Access the Temple OMM Network

Full Access to the Lounge

  • Couches, Hammocks and Bean Bags: A space to get updated, connect, kick back and relax (We host monthly marvel watch parties here and other laid back community events).

Limited Access to Kamar Taj

  • Divinations Tower: The more esoteric healing arts, share card readings, astrology, philosophy and more with each other.

  • The Art Studio: Share visual, performance and multimedia arts. Your own creations or from artists you love.

  • The Library: Share your favorite books, podcasts and all tips around intellectual wellness here.

  • The Challenge Arena: Keep your wellness on fleek with these fun community challenges.

Can always upgrade to all access later


A Love Letter From Your Captain

Fellow Starseeds,

Get ready to embark on a journey with me, Leucas, an Outlaw as vibrant and diverse as the multiverse itself. I bring a smorgasbord of skills and a shared vision for a world pulsing with love, respect, and reverence.

I’m an Earth-loving alchemist, wields a vast array of talents. From mastering the realms of academia, diving deep into the mysteries of marine biology, to catching waves and capturing moments through the lens, I’m a holistic powerhouse. I’m your go-to wisdom keeper for yoga, nutrition, and the art of conscious consumerism. But, don't be fooled, I also indulge in the guilty pleasure of reality dating shows and I’m a fanatical devotee of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

I’m cultivating community where we are all impeccable in our approach to self-healing, mastering techniques with precision and staying true to our core values. Yet, we're not immune to the allure of TV dramas and laid back luxuries. Here, we savor the pleasures of delectable foods that bring us joy, embrace technology as a tool for growth, indulge in modern comforts and adorn our bodies as a canvases to cast ourselves as the heroes of our unique personal legends.

As a devoted stargazer, I hold sacred the ritual of bathing in the moonlight and losing myself in the tapestry of the Milky Way. It's in these moments that I commune with our celestial kin, receiving guidance and illuminating the righteous path.

In a world steeped in hustle and grind culture, I dance to my own beat. When fueled by love, joy, and passion, I may join the race, but never lose sight of the cosmic dance. Play and laughter are my guiding stars.

Community culture? Three words: holistic, audacious, fantastical. These values pulse through our veins, intertwining with the very fabric of Temple OMM. Integrity, freedom, magic, expansion, and devotion - these are the North Stars guiding us on this expedition.

But wait, there’s more. We're not just here to transform on the net; we're here to transform in the 3D world too! My vision includes a physical Temple OMM - a sanctuary nestled in the arms of nature, housing a regenerative farm. It’s not just a dream; it’s a blueprint for transformation. A place where individuals embark on healing journeys supported by the earth’s bountiful energy. We're championing regenerative living and farming practices, stitching our lives to the land in a dance of reciprocity and reverence. It’s not just a regenerative healing center; it’s a pledge to steward in the New Earth.

Join us, and let's ripple out waves of transformation, creating a world where each heartbeat echoes the song of the universe.

Hugs and Stardust Wishes,





In the time I spent with Leucas he reframed my outlook on my life and my goals. He helped me find and embody an authentic direction to take. He is deeply intuitive and got into places that I didn’t even know were holding me back. His wide array of skills allow him to provide tools that fit a variety of disciplines. After working with him I felt stronger and freer to travel on my way. If you have an opportunity to work with him I highly recommend you do so.
— Jake Noll (Comedian, Actor and Screen Writer)
Coaching with Leucas was mind blowing. I had no idea what to expect since I had never had spiritual coaching before, and I am SO honored to have experienced coaching with him. Leucas is thorough, doesn’t sugarcoat, and extremely attentive. It felt amazing to have someone to gently walk me through certain patterns of thought that just aren’t serving me anymore and how to retire them. Spring for coaching with Leucas Loves, you will absolutely not regret it.
— Rivkah Reyes (Actor, Writer, Musician, Host of Where Are We Now? Podcast)
When I started Leucas’s four month program, I was feeling so much lack, now I feel grateful for the power within me to create my life. I’m listening to my body more and I am in a happier relationship with it. I am accountable for myself, my mission, desires and routines.
— Emi Suganuma (Artist, Community Organizer)
Leucas + I have been working together for several months now. He has helped me shift my thoughts + relationship towards money, my own personal power, + believing that I can create the life I truly want + and since working with Leucas I’ve landed more clients. I always feel inspired + supported by our coaching calls! He gently asks those hard-to-ask questions that differentiate a good coach from a great coach. I am fully committed to continuing our coaching relationship together for the entire year ahead! If you want accountability toward reaching your goals, Leucas is the coach for you!
— Erin Fuson (HSP Coach + Trauma-Informed Yoga Teacher)
Working with Leucas helped me get clear on my why and how to move forward in my work while staying true to my heart and soul. Every call with him lit me up and just being in his presence would reconnect me with my spirit. He’s a ball of joy and I highly suggest working with him in any way that you’re able. Your soul will thank you.
— Maygen Nicholson (Educator and Change Maker)
What a blessing to experience coaching with Leucas. He listened with an open heart as we dove deep into what is going on with me, and I felt so comfortable the whole time. His feedback was truly on point in helping me recognize where I’ve been getting in my own way and the possible avenues I can take to level up. Super encouraging, supportive and wonderful insight. I am so grateful for the coaching Leucas provided!
— Becca Parraz Snow (Cannabis Cultivator)

We are dedicated to removing financial and social barriers that underserved communities typically face when trying to access wellness and coaching services.

Thank you for supporting our mission to celebrate diversity and to uplift Queer, Trans and POC folx as we steward in the New Earth.

Donate to support the Queer and Trans and/or POC tier