Alchemical Consults


Dear Esteemed Seeker,

In my journey towards conscious living, vibrant well-being, and the regeneration of our precious planet, I've discovered a profound sense of purpose and an unwavering passion. As a budding marine biologist, I delved into marketeering for a small, organic farm during my undergraduate years, immersing myself in the lively atmosphere of local farmers markets. These days were filled with enrichment and meaningful connections with dedicated small-scale farmers.

This experience seamlessly intertwined with my studies in oceans and environmental sciences, solidifying my determination to combat climate change. It became my mission to advocate for regenerative living practices that honor the Earth and all its inhabitants, while nurturing my own health and well-being with profound care.

My physical practices have evolved from the disciplined routines of Ashtanga and Vinyasa yoga to the rhythmic dance with the waves of surfing. These pursuits are deeply rooted in my commitment to a balanced and invigorated life. Additionally, my own gender transition has ignited a fervor for social justice activism, driving me to champion LGBTQ and Transgender rights. This commitment complements my holistic approach to life and further ignites my passions.

Growing up in volatile environments with ailing parents, I embarked on a journey of healing from codependency. There were phases of estrangement, essential for establishing my agency and inner center, followed by phases of peaceful and loving reunification. Yogic and Buddhist philosophies have been my guiding light throughout this transformative process, teaching me humility, skillful love, and the art of forgiveness. These principles continue to inform my approach to all relationships, especially as a practitioner of ethical non-monogamy.

As a perpetual learner, I approach every endeavor with meticulous dedication, whether it's mastering the guitar, unraveling music theory, or crafting through DIY home projects and camper van conversions. My background in higher education allows me to delve deep into subjects, ensuring a comprehensive understanding that enriches my teachings. This extends beyond wellness practices, encompassing entrepreneurial pursuits, including a diverse skill set in social media presence, marketing, graphic design, and business structuring that prioritizes our humanity and well-being.

Central to my ethos is the profound belief in regenerative living and farming, born from personal tribulations. My own journey through chronic illness has led me to embrace extensive detox cleanses for optimum organ function and the eradication of parasites and candida. These experiences, along with my father's courageous battle against stage 4 cancer, fuel my fervent dedication to practices that nurture both human and planetary well-being.

In the pursuit of a healing center that harmonizes with the earth, a sanctuary of regeneration with a thriving farm at its core, my personal journey serves as the driving force. It is a quest that propels me to guide others towards a life rich in purpose, vitality, and a profound connection to both human and planetary well-being.

If you are ready to step into a life of mastery, to thrive in the highest expressions of you, and to experience the transformative power of holistic living then I’d be absolutely thrilled to consult you in your journey. Educational conversations around these topics truly set my soul on fire!

In Love and Service,



Interactive Consultation Sessions: Your Path to Transformation

Our sessions are designed as dynamic conversations, placing your journey at the center. Here's what you can expect:

  • Client-Centered Approach - You lead the discussion, sharing where you currently stand and where you aspire to be within a specific topic. This ensures our time is entirely devoted to your unique needs.

  • Insightful Guidance - Drawing upon my expertise, I offer tailored insights and knowledge to bridge the gap between your current state and desired outcomes.

  • Collaborative Strategy Building - Together, we craft a practical strategy by the end of each session. This serves as your roadmap, providing clear steps to take in order to reach your goals.

  • Empowerment Through Knowledge - My aim is not only to guide, but to empower you with the understanding and tools needed for sustainable growth and transformation.

  • Holistic Progress - We consider the broader implications of each topic, acknowledging that true well-being encompasses mind, body, and spirit. This ensures a comprehensive and balanced approach.

  • Trauma-Informed Care - Your well-being and comfort are paramount. Our sessions are conducted with a trauma-informed approach, meaning we never push beyond the capacity of your nervous system for change and growth.

With every session, you step into a space of active participation and shared expertise. Together, we pave the way for your mastery and purpose.


Topics Covered

Whole Foods and Nutrition

  • For Qualitarians & Vegans.

  • Embrace a quality-focused approach to plant-based or omnivorous food choices.

  • Cultivate a mindful and sustainable relationship with food.

  • Learn how to shop for and cook whole foods that are better for you and the planet.

Detox Cleansing & Vital Gut Health

  • Transform your body, targeting parasites, candida, and heavy metals.

  • Revitalize your systems, flush organs for optimal health.

  • Support liver and digestive wellness effectively.

  • Cultivate a balanced gut microbiome for robust immunity.

  • Embrace detox habits for overall vitality.

Conscious Relating & Healing Codependency

  • Skillfully navigate the complexities of various relationship dynamics, including polyamory.

  • Cultivate communication skills from a place of understanding, respect and compassion.

  • Learn boundary setting skills in order to celebrate individuality and independence.

  • Create equity amongst various power dynamics.

  • Attune to one’s own needs and the needs of others, while taming people-pleasing tendencies.

DIY Van Conversion Projects

  • Learn how to buy a van that will serve your needs and avoid buying a lemon.

  • Receive guidance on project planning, budgeting, and timeline management.

  • Explore hands-on techniques for converting your space into a functional and beautiful sanctuary.

  • Learn strategies for eco-conscious and non toxic choices within your converted space.

  • Discover tips for integrating your lifestyle into your van build.

Empowering Authentic Social Media Presence

  • Find and celebrate your distinct voice, recognizing the power of your ideas and emotions.

  • Communicate with confidence and authenticity, bypassing filters and perfectionism.

  • Foster a seamless flow of creativity for engaging and genuine content creation.

  • Cultivate a deep passion for your brand, connecting with an audience that values your authentic self.

Service-Based Business Management & Branding

  • Create a sustainable model by building out offerings and structuring your business in ways that honor your and clients’ humanity .

  • Craft a clear and effective business strategy aligned with your values.

  • Implement systems for sustainable joy, holistic balance and client satisfaction.

  • Define and refine your and your brand's unique voice, values, and visual identity.


Current Offerings:

60 Minute One Off Consulting Sessions

You choose the topic

Tiered Pricing:

Supporter - $222

Sustainer - $111

Community - $55.55



Praises for Leucas’ Work

Leucas is the undying embers from hearty bonfire, and the sturdy nurturing ground beneath. Kyle dances and weaves with all that is movable and abstract and refreshing as the breeze, and the ebbs and flows of cool tide and deep water.

I have often known what I have needed or what to do to step into active healing throughout my journey, but have never been able to see and feel so clearly a sense of achievement and progress as much as I did while working with Kyle and Leucas. I felt encouraged, believed in, unconditionally loved, and ever so gently pushed into practice and action while being embraced in the uncomfortability that is change and trying new things. Their unique strengths were fundamental to my putting my self devotion and self love into tangible action this year, and I am changed by their love and presence.
— Ceth Legere (Healing Artist, Circus Artist)
Leucas is great! Working with Leucas increases my commitment and motivation towards fulfilling my career goals and creating lasting fulfilling relationships. His attentiveness to the details of my life make his services specific to my obstacles and challenges and allows me to use my strengths to alleviate the turmoil in my life.
— Karen Brieske (Comedian and Graphic Design Artist)
Working with Leucas has been an amazing experience for me, from the first call I felt safe to tap into that vulnerable yet powerful container of transformation. I’ve had 2 coaching calls so far and could already feel big shifts in my mindset that also results in new and more positive ways.Through asking the right questions from his sharp intuition, he challenged me to face old-lived fears and shone light on self-imposed limitations. And this realization alone - of where I’ve been blocking myself from living my true potential (often not even obvious to me before) - has opened up so much. Definitely a process that isn’t always comfortable to go through, but Leucas guides from a grounded place that made me feel safe enough to do that deep dive. And of course, after realization comes visualizing and action - not always linear I guess, but not always as slow as I’d expected either. I could really experience how having a coach on my side can speed up my path to where I want to be so, so much.

My 2 areas I’m working on with Leucas are:
1. the creation of my dream business of an event & creative space/cafe in the Japanese mountains, and
2. the creation of my conscious relationship, based on healthy communication & mutual growth. Because Leucas pushes you to show up for the life you want through concrete action steps and with sincere encouragement, changes and shifts can happen a lot faster than you’d expect.
Some results I got to see after 2 calls were:
1. clarity on where I am & where I want to be, and
2. a successful conversation initiated with the person I’m dating, where I felt totally free to express needs/ideals/desires and show up fully vulnerable yet clear.

Showing up for the life I want starts with choosing how I want to be, and it starts immediately. That’s what came through so powerfully after the calls. What I most feel encouraged by working with Leucas is being able to
hear from his personal experiences and lived examples of the possibility to create the desired life. I also enjoy the different tools that he chooses from his wide repertoire of bodywork & yoga. I look forward to continuing working with him and to see, how my life keeps unfolding its magic. I can recommend coaching with Leucas if you are willing to speed up your journey of self-development and reaching your goals.
— Emi Suganuma (Event Coordinator, Artist and Community Organizer)